Sacred Voices is a beautiful collection of stories, interviews,
prayers, practices, and poetry, illuminating women's wisdom
and history within the Islamic and Sufi traditions.
This book is a rich tapestry that weaves these elements together
with evocative art and succulent recipes to create a truly unique
record of the ancient and ongoing traditions of women on
these paths.
"In the true style of the feminine, this book is an invitation to
an experience, on many levels. You are about to embark on an
adventure in sight, smell, touch, taste, movement, dreams and
visions. It is not a book "about" a topic, although you will learn
things about the Sacred Voices of women in Islam and Sufi sm.
Those already familiar with this path are offered expansion
through hearing women's voices. Others unfamiliar with the
path of Islam and Sufism have the wonderful opportunity to
enter this mystical path through these Sacred Voices."
Elizabeth Reed, PhD, from the Foreword
"While we have had many books recently about the future of
Islam, Sacred Voices presents what we have not heard so far: a
tapestry of voices of modern women transforming themselves
and their world while they transform their tradition. Drawing
on ancient traditions as well as creative, modern voices, Sacred
Voices presents a spirituality that is healthy and revitalizing,
not only for our human communities, but also for the planet.
Th is way could be our saving grace."
--Neil Douglas-Klotz, author of The Sufi Book of Life