Keep track of your Progress this Awesome Running Log Book
Save your Personal Records: Time, Distance & Pace. Great for taking notes around your training, as a diary for your progress. Also for collecting ideas and save memories.
Are you looking for a Great Gift for a loved person or that Special Runner close to you?
This is the perfect gift for all cross country, Trail Running & Marathon running lovers.
This Notebook is perfect multi-purpose has a lot of space so is ideal for fill pages by writing notes or jotting down thoughts. If you would like to see a sample of the notebook, click on the Look inside feature.
The Awesome Press is series which offer much more Best & High Quality Notebooks - just check out other our products.
Dimensions: 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)Cover: Soft-backBinding: Perfect BindingHigh-Quality Paper