This action-packed epic fantasy follows Erold Ardrada, the exiled heir to the throne of an ice age world's largest empire as he forms a necessary alliance with the few nations that do not bow to the senate that commands the empire from the city of gold, Akre. After it seems the senate betrayed every other member of his family, the would-be king, Erold, could be the last hope to stop the senate's hunger for world domination.
While he attempts to resurrect a lost nation with the help of a former enemy threatened by the growing power of the empire's armies, the sinister ulterior motive of the hidden hands behind his family's betrayal has already been put into action across borders, and a secret, final gift of Erold's father puts him squarely in their sights as he unknowingly joins a centuries old conflict between good and evil. Based off of the embellished magical histories of mostly forgotten earth kings, queens, and revolutionaries, relive the romanticized tales of the men and women who lead the ice age planet of Frost, a frozen mirror of earth, into the heart of the steam age. From each town, to each person, for each nation, all must decide what fates lie ahead as the battlefields of fantasy and frost will never be the same. For in this ice age world of fantasy where all myths are true and over ninety nations co-exist in false harmony, wars by light and shadow come for those who pursue peace, surrounded by the mythical creatures of land and sea, including dragons, demons, angels, elves, dwarves, werewolves, vampires, and more.