As Seen on Masterpiece(TM) on PBS(R) Book 1 of the beloved Poldark series In the first novel in Winston Graham's hit series, a weary Ross Poldark returns to England from war, looking forward to a joyful homecoming with his beloved Elizabeth. But instead...
A gorgeous new release of the heartwarming and hilarious first novel in the Poldark series, the subject of the landmark BBC series and the new series on Masterpiece on PBS(r) Ross Poldark is a heartwarming, gripping, and utterly entertaining saga that brings to life an unforgettable...
Javier Vergara. Buenos Aires. 1979. 19 cm. 475 p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Traductor, Aníbal Leal.. 1. Demelza. Seguna novela de la serie Poldark .. Este libro es de segunda mano y tiene o puede tener marcas y señales de su anterior propietario. Cubierta...
A weary Ross Poldark returns to England from war, looking forward to a joyful reunion with his beloved Elizabeth. Instead, he discovers his father has died, his home is overrun by livestock and drunken servants, and Elizabeth?believing Ross dead?is engaged to his cousin. Ross...