An entertaining book, chock full of addictive games using creativity, strategy and logic; all with the aim of stimulating your growing brain, whilst you have FUN.
Feel great, as you boost your intelligence and improve concentration, memory, visual and physical motor skills with puzzles, games and other brain boosting activities. Interactive and FUN tasks are the perfect way to exercise your brain, improve thinking skills and feel smarter.
So... explore the power of your brain!
Categories are:
20 questions 80 games: Yes or No answers. There's a sleuths headband to make, using scissor skills
Colours and Words 24 games: This will fry your brain! Design your own too.
Anagrams 10 games: Timed activity; see the patterns in random letter combinations
KaBoom! 20 games: A great game of strategy, using number skills
Labyrinths 20 games: Mazes - a favourite! Use hand/eye coordination to find the best route
Penalty Points 20 games: Think of your favourite ball game and use number skills
Flash Fiction 7 games: 2 pages each, 6 words to include in your story
Schulte Tables 12 games: Timed activity using hand/eye coordination
Memory Boosters 8 games: 2 pages to improve your memory
Bonus Dice to cut out and use for choosing who goes first
Bonus Bookmarks to cut and colour. Use to keep your place.