In a world where ruthless corporations reign supreme, a vicious and barbaric "sport" known as Rollerball is the only outlet for the pent-up anger and frustrations of the masses. Tuned to their televisions, the people cheer for their champion, Jonathan E. (James Caan), as he deals...
In a world where ruthless corporations reign supreme, a vicious and barbaric "sport" known as Rollerball is the only outlet for the pent-up anger and frustrations of the masses. Tuned to their televisions, the people cheer for their champion, Jonathan E. (James Caan), as he deals...
In a world where ruthless corporations reign supreme, a vicious and barbaric "sport" known as Rollerball is the only outlet for the pent-up anger and frustrations of the masses. Tuned to their televisions, the people cheer for their champion, Jonathan E. (James Caan), as he deals...