TWELVE is one of the most important numbers in ancient cultures representing completeness, cosmic order, space, and time - a full circle. Card 12 of the Tarot is the Hanged Man, which symbolizes self-sacrifice and meditation. Inocencio Olza, Rodrigo's and Livingston's grandfather's brother, had an enormous desire to become a great matador no matter the cost. Flashbacks to 1978 divulge that the famous bullfighter was unaware that bloody brushstroke by bloody brushstroke the Devil was capturing his soul: like a covenant pact inside the self-portraiture. Rodrigo and Liam move into the Hume Castle in Berkeley: where the mysterious decades-missing portrayal of Inocencio Olza in anguish mysteriously appears alive with paranormal energy. Rodrigo's brother, Livingston Fallonside, continues therapy with university psychiatrist Dr. Ravencraft, whose occult past remains obscure. Dr. Ravencraft believes Livingston is possessed directly, possibly even afflicted by a second spirit attached. Demonic possession becomes a school of holiness inside the mortuary on Alcatraz Island: After a lengthy absence, Father Brett returns from Purgatory to perform an exorcism with Silvanus's assistance. Clarisse brings apprentices Maria and Feriado to Tella, Spain to refine their witchery. Rodrigo discovers that in ancient times, the two mystical cameos were composed of magical materials: a stone of magic that might awaken mystical and magical abilities and possibly psychic powers. Rodrigo and Liam joyously learn together to create love, produce meaning, and stay motivated by each other, sharing both laughter and terror. Like a virus, Liam has infected Rodrigo with the tremendous excitement of living in the Bay Area. Their imminent union keeps Rodrigo motivated by an urgency to distract himself from inner vampire turmoil. But Luciferian satanic duality creeps unexplainably into the lives and dreams of characters to alter reality.