Being a leader is not just about better paychecks and a corner office. When it comes to leadership and management, you have to stay ahead of the game and understand how to motivate, mobilize, and inspire your team.
That's what separates successful teams from teams that never make it.
Click Buy Now and Manage Your Team To SuccessWhen it comes to leadership books, management guides, and motivational guides for leaders, you cannot afford to settle on management books that only tell you "WHY" it is important to motivate your team members.
What you need is a comprehensive leadership framework that will teach you "HOW" to become a leader that people will love to follow
What's In It For You?Instead of wondering "what went wrong" you can start investing in your future success with a leadership book that will allow you to:
UNDERSTAND Your Team's PersonalityMOTIVATE Your Team To Strive For GreatnessINSPIRE Your Team By Transforming Your Management StyleWhy Choose This Book On Leadership & Management?Co-authors Will Jacobs and Fred Lennox have spent more than 30 years researching, developing, and perfecting this instant leadership framework. They have created this foolproof leadership guide that will help you categorize your team members into:
ROCKS - Persistent, Consistent & ClosedPAPERS - Inclusive, Enthusiastic & OpportunisticSCISSORS - Analytical, Open-Minded & PerfectionisticAnd learn how to effectively deal with each type, bring out the best in them, and maximize your chances of team success
Do You Know Someone Who Could Use This Instant Leadership Solution?Surprise your loved ones with a copy of Rock, Paper, Scissors and offer them the opportunity to broaden their horizons and develop essential leadership skills.
Ideal for early-years managers, supervisors, and more experienced middle managers who want to get fast results from project teams, this all-inclusive leadership and inspiration book will make a great present.
It's never too early to hone your leadership and managerial skills and hit that next level of team success. Order your copy now and start inspiring your team in a whole new way