Despite the fact that Republicans control two of the three branches of government following the election of Donald Trump, the relationship between the president and Capitol Hill continues to be strained. Underscoring the book's theme that the executive and legislature regularly...
In our current age of unprecedented political polarization, nothing has been more strained by partisanship than the relationship between our President and the Congress with which he must deal. Now in its fifth edition, Rivals for Power: Presidential-Congressional Relations provides...
Well-known scholars and practitioners of Congressional-Presidential relations come together to explore both branches of government and what unites as well as divides them. Highlights include chapters on budgetary politics in a time of deep deficit, the impacts of campaign message...
In our current age of unprecedented political polarization, nothing has been more strained by partisanship than the relationship between our President and the Congress with which he must deal. Now in its fifth edition, Rivals for Power: Presidential-Congressional Relations provides...
The first President Bush faced a long-entrenched Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. In his first term, Clinton entered into a unified government for the first time in many years, but all that changed in the mid-term elections of 1994. The second President Bush faces...
The first President Bush faced a long-entrenched Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. In his first term, Clinton entered into a unified government for the first time in many years, but all that changed with the midterm elections of 1994. The se