After the death of his parents at an early age, Julius Payne Jr. (Juju) finds himself lost and alone in a world full of hate and pain. While serving five years, due to an act of heartless jealousy, Juju finds out his parents' death wasn't an accident.
After being locked up since the age of eighteen, he emerges from the penitentiary like the rose that grew from the concrete. As he re-enters society, he's expected to take the torch from the legacy his parents left behind.
That only leads to another unexpected turn in his troubled life. After being taken in by an old friend who quickly puts him on his feet, Juju makes a few sudden decisions that brought a lot of heat to his team. He finds himself in bad standings with them. While he attempts to pull himself together, it seems like no matter how hard he tries to find his peace, he won't ever operate in his true purpose until he avenges his parents.