LET'S START WITH TWO QUESTIONS...IS YOUR BUSINESS DIGITAL? IF YOUR BUSINESS IS NOT DIGITAL, WHAT KINDS OF BUSINESS CAN BE CALLED DIGITAL? Digitalization is here and staying ahead of the digital curve is crucial to staying alive in the new business climate. Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence affect your business process and how you make key decisions. The Social Web shapes your customers' action, interaction, and consumption. Mobile Apps and Cloud Computing are essential to how you deliver your services to individual consumers and enterprise customers.The Internet of Things (IOT) links all of your products through sensors and software to the broader machine web and the cloud.
Robotics, Drones, and 3D-Printing are key drivers of the evolution of your supply chain. Cognitive Computing Algorithms influence how you think of reinventing your business for the future. Count how many of the above characteristics apply to you, and it is certain that many more will apply in the very near future. Sooner or later, you, along with most companies, will find digitalization at the core of everything your business does. This book will help you and your company navigate your way in the new digital landscape.