I had never read anything from Isabel Allende before, but I heard always very good reviews. When I reached page 16, I noticed she tries to copy Gabriel Garcia Marquez. One thing is to feel inspired by an author, another is to copy. Never again I'll read something from Isabel Allende.
This novel was the icing on the cake! It was wonderful to unweave the web of history and the timeline that spanned generations. Readers will feel absorbed into this family tree and if they've read other of Allende's works they will agree she's outdone herself! DAUGHTER OF FORTUNE is absolutely a pre-requisite for PORTRAIT IN SEPIA; this is the only way to truly appreciate this masterpiece, or literary work of art.
Este extraordinario relato continua agregando personajes a la ya conocida historia de Eliza Summers. Lo extraordinario de esta narracion es el aspecto historico de dos ciudades y dos familias en el tiempo y en el espacio. Fechas y acontecimientos reales transcurren de un modo sutil y nada pesados, como si occurriria en cualquier texto de historia. Seguimos recordando que las mujeres en Latinoamerica hemos sido parte fundamental...
I am a great fan of Isabel Allende. While travelling in Peru over Christmas I found her new book. I didnèt know that she had a new one out...it was a great surprise. Those that enjoyed Daughter of Fortune will fall in love with her writting once again. I found it even more mesmorizing thant D of F. The characters come alive and you feel as if they are real. It is a great story that connects at the least expected moments...
Isabel Allende presenta nuevamente una novela tan encantadora como sus personajes femeninos. Esta vez Aurora del Valle, que esta conectada con la Hija de la Fortuna (Eliza Sommers) y La casa de los Espiritus (Familia del Valle). Sus personajes femeninos siempre la caracterizan por esas ganas de vivir, y un mundo magico y encantador alrededor de eventos historicos en Chile y latinoamerica. Tuve la suerte de leer sus tres novelas...