Jenn Henry, lifestyle recovery specialist, candidly shares her journey of transforming from a life of addiction, homelessness, prison, self-loathing, people pleasing and chronic disconnection, to reclaiming her power and creating a life she looks forward to living. Henry lays out a step-by-step guide to foster an abundant and sustainable life and career of serving others while still experiencing personal freedom by making our own health, happiness and success a priority in our lives.
This guide will:
Teach you how to take inspired action instead of fear-based actionHelp you double down on what is truly important to you and let go of what isn'tGet clear about what is and isn't working in your relationships, your health, your career, your finances and your spiritualityMake you decide your own truth and your own path without the need to people please or fit into a preconceived notion of what your life is "supposed" to look likeHelp you take your power back, set solid boundaries and create an epic life of true personal freedom by saying yes to what serves you and saying no to what doesn't without feeling guiltyResilience: A Different Kind of Strong encourages readers to live the life they deserve filled with happiness, abundance, health and success.
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