This is the third testament of the reptile: the ancient metaphysical dragon once a member of the original Ancient Archons] that was cast out and away from the Presence of the Greater Good and ejected from universal harmony. Within the confines of these pages you will get a deeper understanding of how humanity has been entrapped by the ancient metaphysical intelligence deemed by the bible as the Serpent] that now holds them against their will, but all the while, by direct mental installation, it gives unto mankind an illusion of freedom which entails a pseudo mentality that people deem, "power of choice." The only choices people have is that of fear, misery, and war but they don't seem to be aware of the fact. The nature and cause of worldly chaos will be revealed; likewise, to be unveiled are certain occult truths that have puzzled mankind since he became an intellectual being. Let it be said up front that the information you are about to lay your eyes upon may very well be the most bizarre type of knowledge that you've ever encountered to date. Mankind collectively is imprisoned within an energy draining matrix that needs his mind power to exist and spirit essence to survive. However, knowing why and how the collective mass of souls called humanity] is imprisoned is the crucial key to understanding how you as an individual soul] can break free.