Did you know that bad credit can cost you upwards of four hundred thousand dollars over the course of your lifetime?
If you have any credit problems, or don't know whether you do, this book is for you
Have you ever heard of a 609 letter? It is not what you might think. Read this book and learn the real details of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Master this information, and you might even decide to help others who have bad credit - after you have repaired your own.
You owe it to yourself to fix your credit issues. Forget about any ads you might have seen. You don't need to become a superhero, get a certificate or begin marketing anything. All you have to do is read and apply what you have learned. That's it
For about the cost of four cups of coffee you can be on your way to better credit. What have you got to lose?
.... four hundred thousand dollars
Time is money. With bad credit if you waste more time, you waste more money. Repair your credit and Repair Your Future today