Jeffrey Williams has delivered a new and important way for businesses to view their strategic position. Whether slow cycle, or fast cycle, his most important revelation is that no business has the right simply to exist. All businesses exist to maximize value to the stakeholder. Sometimes, maximum value is only achieved by transforming your business. Ultimately, maximum value may be achieved by breakup or dissolution...
Jeffrey Williams has broken new ground in the field of strategic management! This book will help guide managers and investors through the often cloudy world of economic time. By following the precepts laid out in this book, companies will be able to achieve sustainable competitive advantage regardless of the industry or competition. Professor Williams book is as engaging as his lectures. A must read!
Jeffrey Williams takes an new approach to analyzing competitive forces based on the new concept of economic time. This allows insight into how to manage and compete within different industries, or, within different divisions of a company. I found the insights to be unique, and extraordinarily valuable to me as an entrepreneur in the high tech industry.
Dr. Williams lends you his vision and takes you on a journey exploring his concept of economic time. His book will challenge you to think in a new way (dynamically) and permanently change your views on competive strategy.
This book offers an approach to devising and executing a strategy for addressing the challenge that all markets present-birth, decline and renewal. Williams introduces the concept of economic time-a view of time in terms of the pace of competitive forces. The author identifies five economic time zones: slow, standard, fast cycle, shifting cycle, and mixed cycle. The key is to understand where in economic time your business...