Inspired by Judy Blume's Forever and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, this novel that Andrew Smith calls "beautiful, enchanting, and] exquisitely written" is a new classic about teenage relationships, self-acceptance--and what happens...
Inspired by Judy Blume's Forever and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, this novel that Andrew Smith calls "beautiful, enchanting, and] exquisitely written" is a new classic about teenage relationships, self-acceptance--and what happens...
La novela m?s personal y tierna de Patrick Ness, el aclamado autor de Un monstruo viene a verme. Este es el d?a m?s dif?cil en la vida de Adam Thorn. Su exnovio, al que todav?a quiere, se va para no volver. La relaci?n con su actual pareja, al que tambi?n quiere,...