Release Your Vision Torch will take you on a life journey. The exercises ushers you into a place where you have to be brutally truthful, for restored strength and rejuvenation to occur. Reading Release Your Vision Torch made me get real with myself about my life, relationships, pass failures and aspirations.
This book should be used as a roadmap to renew your passion in life and as a guide to the keys, unlocking your hidden potentials. At the end of this experience, you will not only learn who is in your train or if you have derailed your vision; but also learn who's on your boat or if you are heading for a shipwreck.
Once you finish the "Step out "development process in the book, you are transformed. It's like having a makeover for your life or a life hack that will change your spirit.
Release Your Vision Torch cannot be refuted or disproved.
Release Your Vision Torch is
"Undeniable", "Tangible", "Honest", "Irrefutable", "Concrete", "Authentic=Real" and "Fire in the Belly."
Maxine Holt Donaldson
Vogue Model, Vice President & Co-Host, Southern Warrior Sister-Tribe
Release YOUR VISION TORCH, a Success Blueprint for Achieving Your Dreams, Igniting Your Vision, & Re-engineering Your Purpose, part of YOUR VISION TORCH series is not a book It is a system... an innovative program which is geared to help you move from where you are to where you ought to be. Therefore as an innovative system, it will require a lot of you.... It will insist that you be a participant in your own success journey.... It will push you to think, address, and confront issues you would ordinarily sweep under the rug. Release Your Vision Torch will demand you tell the truth, tear the veil, and unmask the hidden parts of you which have literally set you back for years It will not indulge you but provide tools to help re-engineer your life purpose, rediscover or for some people discover your dream, fuel your vision, and ultimately liberate your inner genius.
Release Your Inner Genius Unshackle Your True Calling. Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock
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