To keep the people she loves safe, Sara left everything she knew behind. She soon learns this new world is nothing like her old one, and she struggles to make a place for herself among the Mohiri. But it soon becomes apparent to Sara and to everyone one around her that she...
To keep the people she loves safe, Sara left everything she knew behind. She soon learns this new world is nothing like her old one, and she struggles to make a place for herself among the Mohiri. But it soon becomes apparent to Sara and to everyone one around her that she is...
Pour prot ger ceux qu'elle aime, Sara a abandonn tout ce qu'elle connaissait. Elle a t t fait d'apprendre que ce nouveau monde ne ressemble en rien l'ancien, et elle s'efforce de se faire une place parmi les Mohiri. Mais il devient bien vite vident, pour Sara comme pour les...