It's no secret why most weight-loss programs don't work: they require you to give up great-tasting foods and engage in exercise. Thom Slagle always suspected most diets were created by skinny guys in white lab coats who don't have a clue as to the inherent problems that people of excessive weight must constantly confront. In response, he came up with his own approach to losing fat-and it works To lose extra pounds, you need to set the bar lower than most weight-loss programs 1]much lower. Using common sense, basic instincts, and, most importantly, willpower, you can lose the weight that's refused to come off. What's more, you can do it without sacrificing any of the foods you love so much. Filled with worksheets, real-life examples, and tips to help you determine where you stand in your own war against weight, Reflections of a Former Fatty offers plenty of guidance on losing weight while eating the foods you love and feeling satisfied.