Red Rose and Tiger Lily or In a Wider World is a novel written by L.T. Meade. The story revolves around two young girls, Rose and Lily, who are cousins and best friends. Rose is a beautiful and wealthy girl who lives in a luxurious mansion with her parents, while Lily is a poor...
Reproduction of the original: Red Rose and Tiger Lily by L.T Meade
Reproduction of the original: Red Rose and Tiger Lily by L.T Meade
It was a perfect summer's evening. The sun had just set, and purple, gold, violet, rose colour still filled the sky in the west. There was a tender new moon, looking like a silver bow, also to be seen; before long the evening star would be visible. Hester Thornton stepped out...
It was a perfect summer's evening. The sun had just set, and purple, gold, violet, rose colour still filled the sky in the west. There was a tender new moon, looking like a silver bow, also to be seen; before long the evening star would be visible. Hester Thornton stepped out...