The book of red pill principles: the extraordinary man proposes to help men discover and establish strong and solid values as the driving force of their thoughts and actions as well as their identity. To discover who they are and to chart a path to the type of men they want to be, and to construct a new narrative for young and older men alike so they can become the best version of themselves.
You will become a master at;
Being confident, along with a big bag of i-don't-care attitude that makes women never want to lose youApproaching women - master the two common types of approachStopping any woman from gold digging financially exploiting] youBeing crazily unpredictable - this trait was what got james bond and tom cruise every woman's attentionFemale psychology - do not hurt any woman with this pleaseDiscard the blue pill mindsets you have. Take the red pill and absorb its wisdom. You are a step close to making one of the best decisions of your life by getting this book. I know you are tired of being blue pilled. Calm down and put a smile on your face. You'll see for yourself soon how you'll transition to an alpha. Do not miss the opportunity of being a better version of yourself. This book will forever change your life for good. Your confidence and composure will skyrocket to another level. This is one of the best books you'll ever lay your hands on when it comes to taking the red pill.