Preface. Acknowledgments. Abbreviations.
Chapter 1 Mobile Phone Transmitters for Wireless Standards: systems, architectures and technologies. 1.1 RF Cellular/Data Transmission Standards and related Handset Uplink Architectures. 1.2 Power Amplifier Topologies for User Equipment. 1.3. Technologies for Handset PA Design. References.
Chapter 2 Discretized Reconfiguration Techniques for Radiofrequency Power Amplifiers. 2.1 Introduction on fragmented power amplifiers. 2.2 Power Amplifier Bypass Technique. 2.3 Reconfigurable Power Amplifier based on Parallelized Switched Power Cells. 2.4. Delta-Sigma Built-In Current Sensing in the Prospect of Power Amplifier Dynamic Reconfiguration. 2.5 Delta-Sigma-like Closed-loop Dynamically Reconfigurable Power Amplifier. References.
Chapter 3 Continuous Adaptive Bias Technique for Radiofrequency Power amplifiers. 3.1. Introduction and Theory. 3.2 Design and Measurement of the Integrated Passive Device dedicated to PA Module. 3.3 Design and Simulation of the Adaptive Bias Silicon PA. 3.4 Measurement on PA Silicon and PA Module. References.
General Conclusion
Appendix A Impact of base/emitter degeneration on HBT self-heating behavior.
Appendix B Small-signal analysis of a Common-source Power Stage.
Appendix C Theory of Power and Volterra series.
Appendix D Analysis of Stability in Power Amplifiers.