Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888) was Argentina's leading writer, educator, and politician of the nineteenth century, and served as President from 1868 to 1874. Of his several autobiographies, the best-known Recollections of a Provincial Past is one of the indisputable classics...
Recuerdos de Provincia. DOMINGO FAUSTINO SARMIENTO Argentina 1811 - 1888
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888) was Argentina's leading writer, educator, and politician of the nineteenth century, and served as President from 1868 to 1874. Of his several autobiographies, the best-known Recollections of a Provincial Past is one of the indisputable classics...
"Recuerdos de provincia", de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento fue un Escritor, estadista, militar argentino, presidente de la Naci n Argentina (1811-1888)
Recuerdos de provincia de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento es una obra autobiogr fica que profundiza en las ra ces hist ricas y familiares de la Argentina del siglo XIX, con un enfoque particular en la vida y los antecedentes del autor. A trav s de una narrativa que mezcla la memoria...