It was a crime of passion in onc of England's??great houses, an open-and-shut case. But thirty??years later, when the convicted nanny is freed, then??spirited off to America before she can talk,??Yorkshire's Superintendent Dalziel retums to the scene??of the crime with Inspector...
'The story is expertly told, skein by skein, with a new knot to be untied just when you think everything is clear' Sunday Telegraph 1963. It was the year of the Profumo Scandal, the Great Train Robbery, the Kennedy Assassination - and the Mickeldore Hall Murder.
It was a crime of passion in onc of England's great houses, an open-and-shut case. But thirty years later, when the convicted nanny is freed, then spirited off to America before she can talk, Yorkshire's Superintendent Dalziel retums to the scene of the crime with Inspector Pascoe,...
1963. It was the year of the Profumo Scandal, the Great Train Robbery, the Kennedy Assassination...and the Mickledore Hall Murder. The guests at the hall that weekend had included a Tory minister, a CIA officer specializing in dirty tricks, a British diplomat with royal connections,...