Wrath of the Caid is the second book in the award-winning series, Red Hand Adventures. Suddenly separated, Tariq and his friends find they must be more daring and clever than ever to escape the wrath of the Caid. In a continuation of Rebels of the Kasbah, this fast-paced epic...
An official selection of the National Battle of the Books, the first entry in the award-winning Red Hand Adventures series is an action-packed journey through a colonial Morocco filled with pirates, bandits, and cruel warlords. Orphaned as a small child, twelve-year-old Tariq...
When Tariq is captured from his safe life in a Tangier orphanage and sold into slavery as a camel jockey, his adventures begin. Along with his new friends Aseem, Margaret and Fez, Tariq gets sold to the tyrant Caid Ali Tamzali-entering a dangerous world of deceit and violence...