Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin is a beloved classic that transports readers to the idyllic world of Rebecca Rowena Randall. Follow Rebecca's heartwarming journey as she brings joy and laughter to the residents of Sunnybrook Farm with her infectious spirit...
If the Randall family's life at Sunnybrook Farm seemed to be constant pandemonium, you could be sure that Rebecca Randall and her six brothers and sisters were usually to blame. When her two unmarried aunts, Miranda and Jane, kindly agree to take their poor relation off her mother's...
This classic novel about a lively little girl from Maine has delighted both young and old ever since it was first published, in 1903. Mark Twain called the book "beautiful and warm and satisfying," and, indeed, Kate Douglas Wiggin's timeless creation lives on in the hearts...
REBECCA is one of seven children of "Sunnybrook Farm." That is the name Rebecca has given the heavily mortgaged struggling farm of her widowed mother Aurelia. Since Hannah, Aurelia's oldest (and very dependable) daughter cannot be spared, it is Rebecca (the wild one) who is sent...
Explore the wonders and magic of this unforgettable classic and take an exhilarating step back in time! Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by American author Kate Douglas Wiggin is a classic novel about having a positive attitude first published in 1903 in the United States. A celebrated...
When ten-year-old Rebecca Randall leaves Sunnybrook Farm to go and live with her aunts, Miranda and Jane, in Riverboro neither she nor her aunts know quite what to expect. And with Rebecca around it's usually the unexpected that happens anyway. In fact it is this gift for...
Rediscover a children's classic with this Charming Classics edition of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm". Includes a pink-and-gold-tone parasol charm and necklace.
The old stage coach was rumbling along the dusty road that runs from Maplewood to Riverboro. The day was as warm as midsummer, though it was only the middle of May, and Mr. Jeremiah Cobb was favoring the horses as much as possible, yet never losing sight of the fact that he carried...
Kate Douglas Wiggin tells the story of Rebecca Rowena Randall and her two stern aunts in the fictional village of Riverboro, Maine. Rebecca's joy for life inspires her aunts, but she faces many trials in her young life, gaining wisdom and understanding. Shirley Temple did a lot...
How is this book unique? Font adjustments & biography included Unabridged (100% Original content) Illustrated About Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm is a classic American 1903 children's novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin that tells the story...
First published in 1903, "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" is the charming and classic children's novel beloved the world over. Written by the American author and educator Kate Douglas Wiggin, it is the story of young and poor Rebecca Rowena Randall, who goes to live with her spinster...
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm is a classic American 1903 children's novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin that tells the story of Rebecca Rowena Randall and her two stern aunts in the village of Riverboro, Maine. Rebecca's joy for life inspires her aunts, but she faces many trials in her...
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm is a classic novel written by Kate Douglas Wiggin. The story revolves around a young girl named Rebecca who is sent to live with her two aunts in a small town called Riverboro. Rebecca is a bright and imaginative girl who quickly wins the hearts of...
How is this book unique? Font adjustments & biography included Unabridged (100% Original content) Illustrated About Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm is a classic American 1903 children's novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin that tells the story...