"Will undoubtedly earn a place in many American history classrooms." --The Journal of Social Studies Research
"Clearly and imaginatively written... Students will find a refreshing departure from the staid historical writing that sometimes plagues other history texts." --Theory & Research in Social Education
Now thoroughly updated and extensively revised for use in today's history classrooms, this time-honored classic has never been more important than right now. The new edition, Reasoning with Democratic Values2.0, presents an engaging approach to teaching U.S. history that promotes critical thinking and social responsibility.
In Volume 1 students investigate 20 significant historical episodes, arranged chronologically, beginning with the colonial era and ending with Reconstruction. Each carefully researched story examines an ethical decision made by an individual or group from the American past, and is guaranteed to excite students' imaginations and spark lively classroom discussions involving core values of American democracy--liberty, equality, life, property, truth, and diversity. The discussions aim to develop more mature moral reasoning by students while deepening their knowledge of American history. Each chapter contains five types of learning activities: Facts of the Case, Historical Understanding, Expressing Your Reasoning, Key Concepts from History, and Historical Inquiry.
In Volume 1, students can grapple with such ethical dilemmas as:
Should the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have granted reparation to the enslaved woman, Belinda Royall? Should Thomas Jefferson have freed his slaves? Should Juan Segu n have fought against the United States in the Mexican-American War? Should Robert E. Lee have accepted command of the Union Army?You can also purchase a comprehensive Instructor's Manual that includes the rationale for the teaching approach, guidance for selecting chapters, direction for leading classroom discussions of ethical issues, suggestions for assessment and grading, answers for the learning activities, and more
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The authors are available, at no fee, to conduct professional development programs for teachers and/or administrators regarding teaching with RDV 2.0. Visit www.rdv2.org for more details, including author contact information. The authors have committed their royalties to teacher education.
Reasoning with Democratic Values 2.0, Volume 2: Ethical Issues in American History, 1866 to the Present by David E. Harris, Anne-Lise Halvorsen, and Paul F. Dain
Reasoning with Democratic Values 2.0: Ethical Issues in American History Instructor's Manual by David E. Harris, Anne-Lise Halvorsen, and Paul F. Dain
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