Having graduated from a university majoring in real estate and obtained several years of work experience in real estate investment companies, we understand the kind of qualifications firms normally look for in a real estate analyst. Not to mention the technical difficulties a young analyst tends to encounter in their first year as a result of limited exposure on financial modelling at schools. Having encountered the same issues, we felt the urge to start writing this book with the aim of providing a guide for building real estate financial models to better equip students and young analysts with the practical knowledge, should they follow this track.
In thiis book includes:
1. How to Write a Clear, Concise and Correct Contract;
2. Suggested Contract Clauses;
3. Articles on Agency, How to Hold Title, Equity Sharing and Joint Ownership; Financing, Contracts for Deed, RESPA, Title Insurance, Tax Deductions and 1031 Exchanges;
4. Forms for Contract for Deed, Deed of Trust, Note, Joint Ownership, Letter of Intent and Contract Assignment;
5. Ten Secrets Series - What your builder and lender don't want you to know;
6. Real Estate Dictionary;
7. Mortgage Payment Tables for 15 and 30 year loans.
You're Just 1 Deal Away...And it Can Happen Faster Than You Realize