For Braxia. For the future. For revenge. As the rarest hybrid in the galaxy, Mercy has been forced to hide in plain sight for fear slavers and collectors would hunt her down. Quite ironic, considering her late father had been the greatest slaver of the Guldan Empire...
For Braxia. For the future. For revenge. As the rarest hybrid in the galaxy, Mercy has been forced to hide in plain sight for fear slavers and collectors would hunt her down. Quite ironic, considering her late father had been the greatest slaver of the...
Por Braxia. Pelo futuro. Por vingan a. Como a h brida mais rara da gal xia, Mercy foi for ada a se esconder da vista de todos por medo de que traficantes de escravos e coletores a ca assem. Bastante ir nico, considerando que seu falecido pai foi o maior traficante...
Pour Braxia. Pour l'avenir. Pour la vengeance. En tant qu'hybride, la plus rare de toute la galaxie, Mercy a t oblig e de se cacher au grand jour de peur que les esclavagistes et les collectionneurs ne la pourchassent. Ironique compte tenu que son d funt p re...
F?r Braxia. F?r die Zukunft. F?r die Rache. Als der seltenste Hybrid in der Galaxie ist Mercy gezwungen, sich vor aller Augen zu verstecken, aus Angst von Sklavenh?ndlern und Sammlern gejagt zu werden. Eine ziemliche Ironie, wenn man bedenkt, dass ihr verstorbener...