This wickedly inventive guide shows you how to create all kinds of entertaining and practical projects with Raspberry Pi operating system and programming environment. In Raspberry Pi Projects for the Evil Genius, you'll learn how to build a Bluetooth-controlled robot, a weather station, home automation and security controllers, a universal remote, and even a minimalist website. You'll also find out how to establish communication between Android devices and the RasPi.
Each fun, inexpensive Evil Genius project includes a detailed list of materials, sources for parts, schematics, and lots of clear, well-illustrated instructions for easy assembly. The larger workbook-style layout makes following the step-by-step instructions a breeze.
Build these and other devious devices:
LED blinkerMP3 playerCamera controllerBluetooth robotEarthquake detectorHome automation controllerWeather stationHome security controllerRFID door latchRemote power controllerRadon detectorMake Great Stuff
TAB, an imprint of McGraw-Hill Professional, is a leading publisher of DIY technology books for makers, hackers, and electronics hobbyists.