After running away from an orphanage, nine-year-old Rasmus finds the world a cold and unfriendly place until he meets an extraordinary tramp called "Paradise Oscar." Together they meet more adventure than they ever imagined, solve a mystery, catch the culprits, and find Rasmus...
After running away from the orphanage, nine-year-old Rasmus finds the outside world cold and unfriendly until he meets "Paradise Oscar" who helps him find a new home.
Following in the footsteps of her famous father, American photojournalist Serena Stone, 30, has already established a reputation for herself with her distinctive and dramatic coverage of Middle Eastern wars. However, weary of years of danger, she leaves her position at the...
After running away from the orphanage, nine-year-old Rasmus finds the outside world cold and unfriendly until he meets "Paradise Oscar" who helps him find a new home.