These Random Ramblings are just things that needed to be placed onto paper. Author Susanne Ross attempts to provide some lessons about life as well, or to put a POSITIVE SPIN, or a helpful ending, as she was raised in a very chaotic, dysfunctional home, fraught with two divorces of her parents, and she had very little guidance while growing up. Therefore, she ATTEMPTS, in a roundabout way, to draw a roadmap for life, in some of her poems-a roadmap SHE NEVER HAD, in other words....
We should remember we all are not alone in our humanity in how we view, and experience, this life upon planet Earth.
About the Author
Susanne Ross grew up in a Navy family and has lived all over the United States, and overseas as well. Her own childhood was very rocky in that her parents divorced, remarried, and then divorced once again. She grew up in a very chaotic home, to say the least.
Susanne had a long and successful work history, and now she is happily retired. She lives with her long-time fianc and a very special cat in San Diego, California, her hometown. She has two adult children as well, ages 25 and 36. She is a retired civil servant, having worked for cities, counties, state, and federal governments, as well as for an elementary- and middle-school district, a community college district, in addition to having worked for a private practice (retired) dentist as one of his chairside assistants-as an RDA. Being now retired, Susanne has plenty of time to write, which she finds thoroughly enjoyable.
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