In the uproarious sequel to Life Among the Savages , Shirley Jackson confronts the most vexing demons yet- her children. In the long out-of-print sequel to Life Among the Savages, Jackson's four children have grown from savages into full-fledged demons. After bursting the seams...
In the long out-of-print sequel to Life Among the Savages, Jackson's four children have grown from savages into full-fledged demons. After bursting the seams of their first house, Jackson's clan moves into a larger home. Of course, the chaos simply moves with them. A confrontation...
In the long out-of-print sequel to Life Among the Savages, Jackson's four children have grown from savages into full-fledged demons. After bursting the seams of their first house, Jackson's clan moves into a larger home. Of course, the chaos simply moves with them. A confrontation...