Standing out from other Rails references, this book is written to meet the needs of designers who are not advanced programmers: sophisticated users who nonetheless may find reams of code intimidating. Rather than cover every method and component in obsessive detail, Rails Solutions gives the reader just what they need to put together powerful, dynamic sites quickly and easily. After a gentle introduction, the book walks the reader through setting up the development environment (including databases, ) and the basics of Ruby syntax. The text moves on to a series of walkthroughs detailing how to construct a number of real world applications, including a message posting system with data authentication, a file uploader, Ajax enhancements, and much more. The book also covers advanced topics including customizing views, Rails helpers, add-ons and plugins, and deploying Rails. Rails Solutions supports the latest versions of Rails and MySQL.
I haven't finished the book yet, but I'm really impressed so far. Please keep in mind that it's not a perfect or comprehensive book, but it serves its purpose very well. Many programming books suffer from wanting to cover everything comprehensively. This is a little tiresome when you just want to get going. The reason I like Rails Solutions so much is that even if you don't understand all (or even most) of the code that you're...
This book is the perfect combination between treating you like a dummy while at the same providing you with practical and useful techniques and info. Many programming books seem to be at one extreme or the other. Either its a massive reference book that you can use as a weapon against dinosaurs or else it's "how-to" that doesn't really tell you how to do anything interesting. "Rails Solutions" is a short book (you get through...
To call Justin's book "useless" (as some joker before me has) is silly and does a disservice to Rails Solutions. I got a ton of very good, very practical info out of the book, some of which -- such as the Capistrano and deployment stuff -- I'd never come across in such a lucid manner. Is it a beginner's book? Yeah, it is, and it's aimed squarely at designers and front-end developers who are generally uncomfortable w/ dynamic...
Rails Solutions by Justin Williams was an excellent primer to the popular framework, Ruby on Rails. I recently had a chance to learn some basics of the RoR framework from a friend of mine, Stephen Rainey. He got me up and running and pointed me to some great resources and books. This book is a recent release from Friends of Ed and it is highly recommended if you are just getting your feet wet with Rails. The book walks you...
Great book for a Ruby beginner, easy to read, great examples--definitely recommended for anyone interested in this to buy to get started or brush up on their skills