"A whole new perspective on retirement. Highly recommended" - BILLY EAKIN, Founder, Dublin Imbibers Association
Working on something interesting can be rewarding, but there is no worse fate than spending the best part of your life slaving away in a soul destroying job. Whether you are curious about immediately retiring to free your time, escaping your cubicle or improving your health this book will show you how.
- How the author went from full time wage slavery to immediately retiring forever in his 30s
- How to recognize that you are already a millionaire and prioritize what makes you happy
- How to determine the minimum effective dose for the good life
-How to prioritize your life and clear your debts
- How to radically and immediately retire to a life filled with joyous activities.
Radical Immediate Retirement was featured in a guest post in the leading blog Early Retirement Extreme (www.earlyretirementextreme.com).
Over at Early Retirement Extreme, this Guest post: Can anyone retire immediately? nearly made me call into work and quit my job. This post should come with a warning.
- MessyMoney.com
You can learn a lot from David Downie and his book - Radical Immediate Retirement.
- WhyToRetire.com