R. Holmes And Company: Being The Remarkable Adventures Of Raffles Holmes, Esq., Detective And Amateur Cracksman By Birth (1906) is a novel by American author John Kendrick Bangs. The book is a parody of the Sherlock Holmes and Raffles series, featuring a character who is a combination...
R. Holmes and Company is a novel written by John Kendrick Bangs and published in 1906. The book follows the adventures of Raffles Holmes, a character who is a combination of two famous fictional detectives, Sherlock Holmes and A.J. Raffles. Raffles Holmes is a detective and amateur...
R. Holmes and Company is a novel written by John Kendrick Bangs and published in 1906. The book is a fictional account of the adventures of Raffles Holmes, a detective and amateur thief, who is the illegitimate son of Sherlock Holmes and A.J. Raffles. The story takes place in...
"R. Holmes and Co" from John Kendrick Bangs. American author, editor and satirist (1862-1922).
This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete...
What would happen if master detective Sherlock Holmes sired a son with the daughter of one of his archenemies? That's the supposition at the center of R. Holmes & Co., which pits criminal mastermind Raffles against Holmes and goes on to tell the story of how Holmes fell for Raffles'...
A collection of 10 short stories about the son of Sherlock Holmes and grandson of Raffles.
A collection of 10 short stories about the son of Sherlock Holmes and grandson of Raffles.
A collection of 10 shory stories about the son of Sherlock Holmes and grandson of Raffles.
A collection of 10 shory stories about the son of Sherlock Holmes and grandson of Raffles.
A collection of 10 short stories about the son of Sherlock Holmes and grandson of Raffles.