Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs, is the story of a young boy and his motherwhose tranquil and prosperous life on a farm is halted when a giant steals their their magic hen and golden harp. And how Jack restores their former happy life.This book, in full color, can be...
Jack et le haricot magique par Joseph Jacobs, est l'histoire d'un jeune garcon et sa mere dont la vie tranquille et prospere sur une ferme est arretee quand un geant vole leur leur poule de magie et harpe d'or. Et comment Jack restaure leur ancienne vie heureuse. Ce livre, en...
Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs, is the story of a young boy and his mother whose tranquil and prosperous life on a farm is halted when a giant steals their their magic hen and golden harp. And how Jack restores their former happy life. This book, in full color, can be...