High School English without the struggle.
Finally, an engaging, quality, and high-interest curriculum that is far from boring. The Quick Lit Student Workbook enables your high school student to dive into the study of English language arts on his or her terms and promises to make the gradeThe Quick Lit Student Workbook will help your student:
-- Focus on key ideas and details of the text.
-- Understand and analyze meaning through word choice and context clues.
-- Distinguish point of view, tone, and imagery.
-- Identify and interpret literary devices used in conveying a story.
-- Synthesize and consider a story's meaning and how it relates to their worldview.
See proven methods and systems help emerging through proficient students achieve success on reading/comprehension tests.Watch your student(s) level up as they immerse themselves in the study of high-interest contemporary literature, with newfound confidence.Use the versatile activities, assignments, and prompts to customize and tailor-fit for grade level and students' individual needs. Ideal for either one-on-one or group study.The Quick Lit Student Workbook: Is comprehensive and appropriate for grades 9-12. Has over sixty activities with charts, learning aids, assessments, and study questions that examine concepts from basic comprehension to higher aptitude.Is suitable for varying skill levels.Comes complete with answer keys and sample responses to get the ball rolling.Is ideal for at-home, classroom, or distance learning. This workbook will supplement and provide an in-depth study of short contemporary literature providing high-interest learning activities.Adheres to the rigor and expectations used in the conventional 21st-century classroom in alignment with state learning standards.If you are looking for a solution to catch up on a lost semester, seeking to promote engaged learning or need a reliable alternative or addition to the face-to-face school setting, this workbook will deliver. Click the BUY NOW button at the top of this page and let the learning begin **IMPORTANT** -- THE COMPANION SHORT STORIES MUST BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY.