""Queen of Spades"" is a novel written by E. P. Roe. The story revolves around a young woman named Edith Lyle who lives in New York City. Edith is the daughter of a wealthy businessman and has been raised in a life of luxury. However, she is not content with her life and longs...
""Queen of Spades"" is a novel written by E. P. Roe, first published in 1877. The story is set in New York City and follows the life of a young woman named Alice Endicott. Alice is a beautiful and wealthy heiress who is pursued by many suitors, including the dashing and charming...
""Queen of Spades"" by E. P. Roe is a classic novel set in the late 19th century. The story follows the life of a young woman named Edith Lyle, who is the daughter of a wealthy businessman. Edith is beautiful, intelligent, and talented, but she is also vain and selfish. She is...