La revelaci n literaria argentina seg n The Wall Street Journal. Que de lejos parecen moscas es una novela negra explosiva que se ha convertido en un fen meno de culto, por un escrito tan talentoso como inesperado. El se or Machi es el perfecto reflejo...
"This novel should come not with blurbs but with a hazardous-material warning: There's bone and gristle here, be ready for that taste in your mouth you can't spit out. First words to last, it's strong stuff." --James Sallis, author of Drive
"This novel should come not with blurbs but with a hazardous-material warning: There's bone and gristle here, be ready for that taste in your mouth you can't spit out. First words to last, it's strong stuff." --James Sallis, author of Drive