The 10th edition of Quantitative Chemical Analysis continues to set the standard for learning analytical chemistry with distinguished writing, the most up-to-date content, and now the acclaimed Achieve program, supporting exceptional problem solving practice...
This comprehensive introduction to the tools and techniques of analytical chemistry has been thoroughly revised to include contemporary research. The sixth edition also includes new chapters, website and CD ROM. Following on from previous editions this text is thoroughly grounded...
For instructors who wish to focus on practical, industrial, or research chemistry. Includes case studies, applications boxes, and spreadsheet applications.
Designed for students with a background in general chemistry who are preparing for work in related fields or for advanced studies in chemistry. Thoroughly revised, the third edition includes new boxes on environmental analysis, and approximately 10per cent increase in the number...
Contains all the solutions to the problems in the fourth edition of Harris's text. All of the more than 1000 problems in the manual have been resolved to ensure accuracy. This book also offers 300 new problems not found in the text.