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TransportationThis book seems to be the most universally appreciated text by D.M. Murdock, aka Acharya S. Perhaps it is because the author cites, almost exclusively, the works of Christian writers (early church founders, modern scholars, et. all). And, yet, she demonstrates, very convincingly and modestly, a thesis completely at odds with the intentions of the majority of her sources. This is one of the most fascinating examples of "turning...
Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of the Christ just might be the best short introduction to Biblical scholarship yet. If you have ever entertained questions about the Jesus story as told in the gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, but were at a loss as to how to research and answer those questions, Who Was Jesus? by D.M. Murdock is the book for you. For some people, the Bible, and every word in it, represents...
On those CSI TV shows they're always dusting for fingerprints, trying to figure out "Who was here?" and "What happened?" Their motto is, "Follow the evidence." and "The evidence will tell us." The evidence often contradicts their original assumption, pointing them in a new direction, where they eventually find the truth. In this book Acharya examines all the evidence regarding Jesus. Every scrap of historical evidence we...
This is the second book by this author that I have read and I am simply overwhelmed by the research, the scholarship and the use of pure reason in dismantling the thinly-veiled mythology behind Christianity. In a well-written and very readable volume, D.M. Murdock (Acharya S) uses Christianity's own words and works to lay before the reader in clear and easily understood prose how the early Christian fathers reworked ancient...
I am not aware of another book on the subject of Christianity that packs more information into 284 pages than Who Was Jesus? D. M. Murdock, also known as Acharya, has written another very fine book on New Testament studies. This volume concentrates on the person of Jesus, but also goes into great detail about how the New Testament was compiled, and how we can determine for ourselves the reliability of the writings. Many...