This book starts in Nassau Bahamas with a six-year old's perspective on how calves are born, and ends with the mapping out of a newly discovered million-square-mile WWII battlefield. There are over 100 articles published in roughly 75 periodicals in nearly half a dozen countries. Publications range from Oxford Today to Cruising World, and the primary focus is on memoir, maritime history, and non-fiction. There is only one illustration, as they others haven't held up well across over 40 years. From the mundane (an armed hold up in a college town, how tug boats are propelled) to articles on a coup in Haiti and the arrival of prisoners of war from Iraq back in the US. Articles range from witnessing Hurricane Andrew's first landfall in the Bahamas to Alexander the Great's little-known invasion of India in 326 B.C., to the first comprehensive expose of the mail boat fleet serving the Bahamian archipelago. This book is meant to be both fun and informative, and to allow readers an insight into how one writer's craft has developed.