Preface.- SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS.- Chapter 1: Public Health Ethics: Global Cases, Practice, and Contexts.- Chapter 2: Essential Cases in the Development of Public Health Ethics.- SECTION 2: TOPICS IN PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS.- Chapter 3: Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation and Priority Setting.- Resource Allocation and Priority Setting Cases: 1. Priority Setting and Crisis of Public Hospitals in Colombia.- 2. Intersections of Public Health and Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of Children and Families.- 3. Public-private collaboration: What Role Should Corporate Sponsorship Play in Public Health?.- 4. Black-White Infant Mortality: Disparities, Priorities, and Social Justice in Public Health.- 5. Priority Setting in Healthcare: Ethical Issues.- 6. Critical Care Triage During a Pandemic.- Chapter 4: Ethical Issues in Disease Prevention and Control.- Disease Prevention and Control Cases: .- 1. Mandatory Vaccination in a Measles Outbreak.- 2. Public Health Approaches to the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV.- 3. Should Newborn Bloodspot Screening be considered a Public Health Necessity or a Matter of Individual Parental Choice? Storage and Ownership of Newborn Bloodspots.- 4. Decoding Public Health Ethics and Inequity in India: A Case of Conditional Cash Incentive Scheme - Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY).- 5. HIV Criminalization, and STD Prevention and Control.- 6. Ethical Considerations in Administering Anthrax Vaccine to Children during an Anthrax Event.- 7. Non-Adherence to Treatment in Patients with Tuberculosis: A Challenge for Minimalist Ethics.- 8. Mass Evacuation.- Chapter 5: Ethical Issues Raised by Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.- Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Cases: .- 1. Municipal Action on Food and Beverage Marketing to Children and Youth.- 2. Obesity Prevention in Children: Media Campaigns, Stigma, and Ethics.- 3. Obesity Stigma in Vulnerable & Marginalized Groups.- 4. Water Fluoridation: The Example of Greece.- 5. The Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places in Bulgaria.- Chapter 6: Ethical Issues in Environmental and Occupational Public Health.- 1. Assessing Mining's Impact on Health Equity in Mongolia.- 2. Should an Exception to the National MRSA Prevention Policy be granted for a Medical Resident with Untreatable MRSA Colonization?.- 3. Safe Water Standards and Monitoring of a Well Construction Program.- 4.Implementation of Global Public Health Programs and Threats to Personal Safety.- Chapter 7: Vulnerability and Marginalized Populations.- 1. Reducing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in a Culturally Diverse Society: The New Zealand Cot Death Study and National Cot Death Prevention Programme.- 2. Medical Tourism and Surrogate Pregnancy: A Case of Ethical Incoherence.- 3. Compulsory Treatment for Injection Drug Use Following Release from Incarceration.- 4. Unanticipated Vulnerability: Adding to the Marginalization of the Least Visible in Pandemic Planning.- 5. Can Asylum Seeking Be 'Managed' Ethically?.- 6. Tuberculosis Screening, Testing and Treatment among Asylum Seekers.- Chapter8: International Collaboration for Global Public Health.- International Collaboration Cases: .- 1. The Ethics of HIV Testing Policies.- 2. Just Allocation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Drugs in Sub-Saharan Africa.- 3. Drug Trials in Vulnerable Populations of Developing Countries.- 4. Ethical Issues in Responding to International Medication Stock-outs.- 5. Transmission of Cholera into Haiti.- 6. Perilous Path to Peace in the Middle East: The Dilemma of Sanctions Kingdom.- 7. Advancing Informed Consent and Ethical Standards in Multinational Health Research.- Chapter 9: Public Health Research Ethics.- Public Health Research Cases: 1. To Reveal or Not to Reveal Potentially Harmful Findings: A Dilemma for Public Health Research.- 2. The Challenges of Applying Ethical