The story begins with Psmith accompanying his fellow Cambridge student Mike to New York on a cricketing tour. Through high spirits and force of personality, Psmith takes charge of a minor periodical, and becomes imbroiled in a scandal involving slum landlords, boxers and gangsters...
Psmith, Journalist finds two of Wodehouse's favorite early characters, Psmith and Mike, find themselves in New York City, it isn't long before those quintessential Englishmen are involved in the mysteries of American gang warfare. An extraordinary combination of comedy, adventure...
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P.G. Wodehouse's beloved characters, Rupert Psmith (or Ronald Eustace Psmith) and Mike Jackson, are back in another amusing adventure. The fellow Cambridge students travel to New York, where Psmith becomes a magazine editor. Mixed within Wodehouse's trademark wit are social comments...
The story begins with Psmith accompanying his fellow Cambridge student Mike to New York on a cricketing tour. Through high spirits and force of personality, Psmith takes charge of a minor periodical, and becomes imbroiled in a scandal involving slum landlords, boxers and gangsters...
Meet Psmith, with a silent "P" as in psychic. A gallant, charming individual, Psmith has a gift for getting into awful scrapes, and when he takes over a gentile journal known as Cosy Moments with the aid of Billy Windsor, its sub-editor, he turns it into a radical publication...with...
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse KBE (15 October 1881 - 14 February 1975) was an English author and one of the most widely read humorists of the 20th century. Born in Guildford, the third son of a British magistrate based in Hong Kong, Wodehouse spent happy teenage years at...
"The man in the street would not have known it, but a great crisis was imminent in New York journalism."Everything seemed much as usual in the city. The cars ran blithely on Broadway. Newsboys shouted 'Wux-try' into the ears of nervous pedestrians with their usual Caruso-like...
Continuing the adventures of the silver-tongued Psmith, one of Wodehouse's best loved characters, and his friend Mike Jackson. The story begins with Psmith accompanying his fellow Cambridge student Mike to New York on a cricketing tour. Through high spirits and force of personality,...
THE conditions of life in New York are so different from those of London that a story of this kind calls for a little explanation. There are several million inhabitants of New York. Not all of them eke out a precarious livelihood by murdering one another, but there is a definite...
Psmith in the City finds the inimitable Psmith working at a bank and determined not to let honest toil depress him.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse KBE (15 October 1881 - 14 February 1975) was an English author and one of the most widely read humorists of the 20th century. Born in Guildford, the third son of a British magistrate based in Hong Kong, Wodehouse spent happy teenage years at...