There are a series of foreboding global events coming soon upon the world. Nations are already starting to be in distress. The Bible has already foretold this will happen in this generation. One example of how the masses will be controlled is given in Revelation 18.23 where it says that by your sorcery (i.e. pharmakeia) all the nations were deceived. Pharmakeia in the Greek means pharmacy drugs. The pharmacy drug companies are the ones who developed the corona virus vaccines. The nations have been deceived into taking these vaccines. If you take the alpha-numeric equivalent values of the word "corona" it looks like this: C=3, O=15, R=18, O=15, N=14, A=1. This totals up to 66 and if you count the six letters of the word corona you have 666. What is really important to know is that God has His appointed times, what they are and how they affect us in this generation. This just one area in this book revealing the significance of Bible prophecy for our generation.