Before the turn of the 20th century, electricity remained a mere scientific curiosity. Nikola Tesla, arguably more than anyone else, changed that. But Tesla's pioneering research in electricity represents only a portion of the scientific and technical innovations that elevated...
Nikola Tesla was one of the 20th century's great pioneers; his role in advancing electrical energy through the use of alternating current, and his stupendous engineering finesse, make this biography by journalist John J. O'Neill a fine read. Born in a Serbian village to a religious...
Antes de entrar en el siglo XXI, la electricidad era una curiosidad meramente cient fica. Nikola Tesla, m s discutible que cualquier otro, cambi esta realidad. Sin embargo, la investigaci n pionera de Tesla en el mbito de la electricidad representa solamente una porci n...
Antes de entrar en el siglo XXI, la electricidad era una curiosidad meramente cient fica. Nikola Tesla, m s discutible que cualquier otro, cambi esta realidad. Sin embargo, la investigaci n pionera de Tesla en el mbito de la electricidad representa solamente una porci n...
Nikola Tesla was one of the 20th century's great pioneers; his role in advancing electrical energy through the use of alternating current, and his stupendous engineering finesse, make this biography by journalist John J. O'Neill a fine read. Born in a Serbian village to a religious...
In this penetrating study of the life and mind of a scientific superman, Nikola Tesla is revealed as a figure of genius whose influence upon the world around us is in calculable, and whose shadow stretches far into the future.
Alla fine del 19esimo secolo, l'elettricit non era altro che una semplice curiosit scientifica. Ma Nikola Tesla, pi di qualunque altro, cambi tutto. Le sue ricerche innovative nel dominio dell'elettricit non rappresentavano che una parte delle innovazioni scientifiche...
A biography of Tesla who worked for and made millions for Dupont, Westinghouse, Edison and other titans of the time. He harnessed lightning and used the cosmos as his laboratory, yet died in poverty.
la fin du 19 me si cle, alors que l' lectricit n' tait qu'une simple curiosit , ses recherches dans le domaine de l' lectricit et innovations scientifiques le hiss rent au rang de « dieu de la science. Le monde repose sur ses inventions, mais peu de personnes connaissent...
Alla fine del 19esimo secolo, l'elettricit non era altro che una semplice curiosit scientifica. Ma Nikola Tesla, pi di qualunque altro, cambi tutto. Le sue ricerche innovative nel dominio dell'elettricit non rappresentavano che una parte delle innovazioni scientifiche...
Vor Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts blieb Elektrizit t allein ein wissenschaftliches Kuriosum. Nikola Tesla nderte dies wohl mehr als jeder Andere. Aber Teslas bahnbrechende Forschung in der Elektrizit tslehre stellt nur einen Teil der wissenschaftlichen und technischen Innovationen...
Antes de entrar en el siglo XXI, la electricidad era una curiosidad meramente cient fica. Nikola Tesla, m s discutible que cualquier otro, cambi esta realidad. Sin embargo, la investigaci n pionera de Tesla en el mbito de la electricidad representa solamente una porci n...