The right to privacy is a fundamental right. Along with the related right to personal data protection, it has come to take a central place in contemporary employment relations and shows significant relevance for the future of work. This thoroughly researched volume, which offers insightful essays by leading European academics and policymakers in labour and employment law, is the first to present a thoroughly up-to-date Europe-wide survey and analysis of the intensive and growing interaction of workplace relations systems with developments in privacy law.
With abundant reference to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, and the work of the International Labour Organisation, the book proceeds as a series of country chapters, each by a recognised expert in a specific jurisdiction. Legal comparison is based on a questionnaire circulated to the contributors in advance. Each country chapter addresses the national legal weight of such issues and topics as the following: interaction of privacy and data protection law; legitimacy, purpose limitation, and data minimisation; transparency; role of consent; artificial intelligence and automated decision-making; health-related data, including biometrics and psychological testing; monitoring and surveillance; and use of social media. A detailed introductory overview begins the volume.Related Subjects