A Saudi woman discusses what life is like for women in her country, describing how women are sold into marriage to men five times their age, are treated as their husbands' slaves, and are often murdered for the slightest transgression.
En algunos pa?ses, las mujeres no cuentan; se limitan a padecer una existencia que incluye abusos y atropellos inimaginables: matrimonios a la fuerza, esclavitud sexual, ejecuciones crueles y sumarias. Esta es la historia ver?dica de una mujer nacida en la opulencia de la familia...
Because she is a woman, she is considered worthless -- a slave to the whims of her male masters. She has watched sisters, cousins and friends sold into marriage as young girls to men five times their age and brutally murdered for the slightest transgression, in accordance with...